Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Name News 2/16/16

Here Are The Most Popular Baby Names Of Every Decade Since The 1880s - Ryan Kristobak, HistoryBuff
It's interesting to see how little the boys' names change! And the girls are always mixing things up. Do you think any of the older names like Milton or Bertha could come back?

The subconscious bias of 'unisex' baby name trends - Kasey Edwards, Daily Life
Good to see more people thinking deeply about name trends! Why is it considered normal to name a girl Jordan, but not name a boy Isabella?

Names and Other Fashions Are Enjoying the Downton Abbey Effect - Amy Feinstein, Inquisitr
Marigold and Violet are some of the more well-known options, but this article does show how pop culture name choices affect real life!

Weird Baby Names: Most Random Names Americans Have Given Their Kids - Isabelle Khoo, HuffPost Canada
While I'm against characterizing any names as "weird", it's interesting to see that babies were given each of these names - English? Catch? Baby?

Illegal Baby Names: This Province Can Reject Your Baby Name - Isabelle Khoo, HuffPost Canada
Another article by Ms. Khoo! I'm sure I've linked to these articles/stories before, but it's always interesting to read about naming laws :)

1 comment:

  1. English is a venerable given name! I have an example of it in the mid 16th C: http://dmnes.org/name/English
