About Me

Like many other name bloggers, I was given a fairly common name at my birth in 1992 - Emily Grace - that my parents thought was pretty original. Emily has now been on the top 10 list for 25 years! It's my opinion that many of us name aficionados got bored with hearing our own names so many times that we decided to seek out unique and unusual names for fun. But no matter what brought me here, it's the history and meaning of the names that made me stay.

I tend to focus on name meanings, their history, and their use - I'm not too interested in the linguistics. I also love looking at names in a cultural context - Emily was apparently featured on a soap opera in the 1980's, leading to its rise during the 1990's. I'm also planning on studying names and demography at graduate school, though I'm not currently in a grad program yet. 

I try to post three days a week, though it may change depending on the demands of my day job. When I'm not blogging, I work full time in the Bay Area. I live with my also-trendy-named boyfriend, and I love TV, movies, reading, and writing. 

If you're interested in my blog, have an idea for a post, or just want to say hi, you can email me at emilygcardoza@gmail.com. (I'm also open to doing name consultations, but I haven't really thought much about the details around it). 

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily! Love the blog!
    I'm Laura, and I write over at nameisms.blogspot.com and The Baby Name Wizard. I'd like to send you a quick email. Can you shoot me your email address to nameisms{at}gmail{dot}com?
